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  关于”足球来历“英语作文范文3篇,作文题目:The ogin of football。以下是关于足球来历八级英语范文,每篇作文均为真题范文带翻译。大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!

  Football is a sport in the world. The ogin of football is different. FIFA belis that this sport oginated fm the high decorative hat of outlaws of the marsh in China.

  What's , in ancient China, there were mateals for "Cuju". The sports record of "Cuju" is similar to the crent electc ball sport. It is not a real football, not a football shape, so in the international community At the meeting, it was unanimously agreed that "football oginated in China".

  A few people said that there was a popular saying that football oginated in England. It is said that at the end of the centy, when the war bke out in Denmark, hatred, boredom and England would make a Danish psoner's head tn over. They found it very interesting to play with this kind of thing, so they be to play ball or other types of sphecal objects Before the middle ages, the Greek and Roman had been playing football in a rectangular .

  They put the ball in the middle of the white line, passed the ball with their feet and lled the opponent's field. At that time, they said that the was "habadon". The legendary "habadon" was not a real football.

  It was like playing volleyball with feet, and there was no net.



  Football is a sport in the world. The ogin of football is different大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!. FIFA belis that this sport oginated fm the high decorative hat of outlaws of the marsh in China.

  What's , in ancient China, there were mateals for "Cuju". The sports record of "Cuju" is similar to the crent electc ball sport. It is not a real football, not a football shape, so in the international community At the meeting, it was unanimously agreed that "football oginated in China".

  A few people said that there was a popular saying that football oginated in England. It is said that at the end of the centy, when the war bke out in Denmark, hatred, boredom and England would make a Danish psoner's head tn over. They found it very interesting to play with this kind of thing, so they be to play ball or other types of sphecal objects Body, fm the birth of football, that is, before the middle ages, the Greeks and Romans had been playing football in a rectangular .

  They put the ball in the middle of the white line, passed the ball with their feet and lled it to another field. At that time, it was said that the "Legend" of the was not real football, it was like playing volleyball with feet, and there was no net.



  The predecessor of Amecan football in England, it is still very popular in England. There are o vaeties of rugby, namely rugby league and rugby league. One of the main differences beeen them is the number of players in the league and each team in the league, but this has nothing to do with the mament of the rugby league.

  Rugby teams are divided into forwards and defenders, who form "scrum" (hence called scrum) and defenders who are inclined to line up on the cot, but they must be in the At the back of the ball, they themselves are divided into scrum half back (a person who puts the ball into the penalty area. If his team wins the ball, he will distbute the ball to the back cot, while the flying man, sometimes called the back cot, is the next three-quarters guard (inside and outside, left and ght wing) and ght rear. It's all about the positioning of players on the football field.

  I dou Amecan football The term scrum has been adopted and revised.

  中文翻译:大佬们都在玩{精选官网网址: www.vip333.Co }值得信任的品牌平台!


  标签: 新学期 



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